How's this for a special holiday gift for yourself? Still deciding whether or not our January Evaluation & Management Workshop is for you? Perhaps this will help make your decision easier; The AAPC has just approved the Workshop for 14 CEU's! For those of us who have had these CEU's on our Christmas List and have been VERY good this year.... Santa may just leave us these CEU's under our tree. All you have to do is register for our January Evaluation and Management Workshop (more details in the blog post below.)
Every year, Certified Professional Coders are required to continue to develop their professional skills and promote their coding knowledge. These CEU's will go a long way toward ensuring that you meet those requirements. Of note, AAPC made a significant policy change on continuing education units (CEU's) for its specialty coding credential holders this year - AAPC now allows CEUs taken for a specialty credential to ALSO count towards the Certified Professional Coder (CPC) credential. So it' counts TWICE, this is a great value!
Take advantage of this great value, earn your CEU credit hours, and most importantly develop your professional skills to increase your stature and value as an employee.